Unless a screenshot is being submitted, please report issues through the animBot menu/connect, as shown below. In doing so, I will receive more information about your current environment and it will be easier to reproduce the issue on my end.
If you wish to submit an attachment, such as a video or screenshot, emails are welcome. When doing so, please make sure you have at least those 3 basic items:
- The animBot version (animBot menu/about).
- Maya version, the exact one, including its decimals if any. Go to "about Maya" to find out.
- OS you are using, including its version (Windows 7, 10? Mac? Linux? Which version?).
I read all reports and appreciate every single one of them, however I rarely reply to them as this would be a very time consuming task, I'm better off working on them! Any report is valid, however, the better the report the fast the fix will come out.
The Bad Report
A bad report doesn't contain enough information to even start debugging. Examples are:
"My license stopped working"
"Select sets crashes Maya randomly"
"My animation can't be recovered"
The Good Report
A good report contains the 3 basic information mentioned above, plus enough details to enable myself to reproduce the problem on my end. Being able to reproduce the problem is KEY to fix an issue for good.
The Excellent Report
The excellent report is the Good Report plus a reliable step-by-step to reproduce the issue. When the issue is not very obvious, a video recording is an excellent way to show what's going on. Many times it's possible to catch things that users didn't notice or couldn't explain in details though a video recording.