The Simplest Method 

Run Uninstall from the menu:

This should completely remove the animBot installation. If for any reason you experience any error during this process, please use the alternative method below.

The Alternative Method

There are 3 components to uninstall animBot completely, please follow the instructions below.

1. Remove animBot shortcuts

Before uninstalling animBot, you can remove Maya hotkeys for animBot tools by simply going to animBot menu/hotkeys and clicking on Clear animBot Hotkeys:

If you have already removed animBot files, you can navigate to the following folder and edit the file userHotkeys_My_Hotkey_Set.mel with any text editor to remove all animBot entries:


(Mac OS X) $HOME/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/<version>/prefs/hotkeys

(Windows) \Users\<username>\Documents\maya\<version>\prefs\hotkeys

You can also remove any shelf icon by right clicking on it and hit delete:

2. Remove animBot Launch at Startup Call

Before uninstalling animBot, go to animBot menu/System and uncheck Launch at Maya Startup:

If you have already removed animBot files, remove the entries below from the file, located in your maya/scripts folder:

# start animBot

from maya import cmds
if not cmds.about(batch=True):
    cmds.evalDeferred("import animBot; animBot.launch()", lowestPriority=True)

# end animBot

3. Remove animBot files

Lastly, delete the folder animBot and any other folder that starts with animBot_ from the location below:


(Mac OS X) $HOME/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts/

(Windows) \Users\<username>\Documents\maya\scripts\

Enterprise Edition users: Do not follow this uninstallation method, please contact me if in doubt on how to remove animBot from your system.