By default the floating licenses are distributed first-come, first-served. That basically means that, if you have 100 licenses, the first 100 users that load animBot will get a license. Sometimes that might be problematic when having several teams being served from the same license server and the quantity of licenses are not enough for everyone. RLM enables a license administrator to setup some strict rules for those cases.
For the sake of example, let’s say you have a total of 10 licenses and wish to reserve 1 for the “dev_team”, 3 for the “mighty_eagle_team”, 4 for the “fuzzy_wig_team” and the remaining 2 will be up for grabs to anyone in your internal network. There are many ways to do that, but the 2 most common solution goes as follows.
1) Reserving licenses to teams.
That’s recommended if you wish to reserve a certain number of licenses to an entire team(s), no matter the individuals pertinent to those teams. You can think of a “project” being a team in your company. Please do the following:
a) Download this simple text file named “animbot.opt” and place it on the same directory that the “animbot.set” is located (refer to the installation steps if you need to).
b) For our example, the animbot.opt should contain this:
RESERVE 1 enterprise project dev_team RESERVE 3 enterprise project mighty_eagle_team RESERVE 4 enterprise project fuzzy_wig_team
c) Set the env variable RLM_PROJECT to the users environment pertinent to those teams:
RLM_PROJECT = “dev_team” RLM_PROJECT = “mighty_eagle_team” RLM_PROJECT = “fuzzy_wig_team”
d) Restart your license server and make sure users restart Maya.
2) Reserving licenses to specific users.
That’s recommended if you wish to reserve licenses to certain individuals or to a group of individuals. Please do the following:
a) Create a simple text file named “animbot.opt” and place it on the same directory that the “animbot.set” is located (refer to the installation steps if you need to).
b) For our example, the animbot.opt should contain this:
GROUP dev_team john paul george richard RESERVE 1 enterprise group dev_team GROUP mighty_eagle_team peter callum alan robert magda RESERVE 3 enterprise group mighty_eagle_team GROUP fuzzy_wig_team carol amanda nick andre maggy sandy RESERVE 4 enterprise group fuzzy_wig_team
c) Restart your license server and make sure users restart Maya.
Note that in this method, you don’t need to specify any env variable, however you need to specify the username of each user.